Website Design for Charity

Each year On Target Web Design donates the development of a website to a local / Irish charity.

If On Target has already developed 1 charity site, a 35% Reduction applies to all charities irrespective of this offer!

If you wish to apply for free website development please contact us now!

Terms and Conditions

  • 1 X 6 page charity website worth €590 developed for free per year
  • Applications from Irish registered charities only.
  • Please provide all text content and photos.
  • Offer is for website development only - Hosting (€99) and Domain (€10) not included.
On Target Web Design LTD

Visit Us

Castlegregory, County Kerry

On Target Web Design LTD

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+353 (0)861091183


Mon to Fri
9 am – 17:30 pm