EU Cookie Law - adding a message to your website
A cookie is a short piece of code which contains information about your browsing session - they are also called "web cookie, Internet cookie, browser cookie, or simply cookie" Ref Wikipedia
Most modern websites set cookies to temporarily store users browsing data such as passwords and form preferences, they are also needed to let a website know if you are logged in or not so they are very important! The cookies are set in your browser are owned by you and you are at liberty to delete or block them if you wish.
To comply with EU Law you must now have a EU cookie message shown somewhere on your site (e.g look down at the footer of this site for example)
On Target can add a cookie message onto your website to ensure compliance.
Do I need a Cookie message?
You do if you answer yes to any of the following!
- You have a login page
- You have an e-commerce site
- You have a web form e.g a contact form
- If you are engaged in visitor tracking to your website